

Sunday, March 2, 2008


There is an unspoken pressure that pushes me. It is a pressure born from the amount of time, effort and money put into coordinating everything that has led to today; it speaks to me like a parent - in fact, in an even more uncompromising and grave tone - constantly reminding me of what failure encompasses. Failure in this context isn't just sinking below the 50th percentile, it's way beyond the means of measure I got accustomed to in the past. Staying afloat isn't just what is required of me; that is far too simple and far too undemanding considering that fact that I have made this choice to take this particular route.

Everyone claims that results don't matter and that having a complete learning experience is far more important. They bring attention to character development and the likes, to the ability to think critically, and to many other traits deemed important and significant. Not that I would like to challenge their views, but fact is that at your job interview, your employer looks first at your resume, and with that your results, even before knowing how you look. Keep it Asian - it's all about results.

Everything in life is all about balance. (No, this isn't a tai-chi-inspired post, nor is it the writings of some guru.) A balanced lifestyle would definitely bring you a greater and more enjoyable experience. And once again, I am stuck wit trying to figure out this point.