And again and again and again and...
Sometimes, I wonder.
What is it that's most important to me?
Maybe, to find answers to questions I cannot answer.
Not to get myself to work in circles, but... hoping that I might one day find the answer I want.
Subbie - /ˈsʌbi/ [suhb-ee]: An individually innocent nickname, not to be misintepreted in a transgression of the bounderies of immaculacy. Welcome to his virtual hideout.
Sometimes, I wonder.
What is it that's most important to me?
Maybe, to find answers to questions I cannot answer.
Not to get myself to work in circles, but... hoping that I might one day find the answer I want.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Sundays are especially boring. I swear.
Anyways, thanks to John, I'm addicted to World of Warcraft. Sad to say, I cannot afford (rather, I still do not see the point in paying for) the 25 bucks every month, so we're kinda playing on a private server. Not too bad. Something to keep myself occupied when I'm home (and also neglecting may other things in life).
I juse realised that it's been a really long time since I ever blogged about my life like that. [Refer to older blog for past blogging.]
Anyways, It's quite confirmed that I'm going over to UniMelb to study after I'm done with my "obligations" back here. Planning to leave in late Feb '08. Really gonna miss everyone/everything back here. But hey. It's going to be a whole new experience. So yeah. Basically, I'm still lost over this whole issue about studying abroad. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. And I'm pretty sure it'll be fine (except for my phone bills.)
Okie. Off. WoW.
Posted by
2:23 PM
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