

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Cappella Comedy - at it's best.

This is funny. This is good. See if you can name the movie titles of the corresponding theme songs. Hint: John Williams.

But wait, that's not the end of their creative minds. Check out Moosebutter's homepage and try out all their songs. Yes, you can listen to all their songs online and if you really fancy them, go on and buy them. $0.99 each and it's not much for a funny little tune to entertain yourself. Personal favourites are the movie-related ones which include Psycho: The Musical and Harry Potter. Of course, while Christmas is still on, check out their funny X'mas songs. You won't regret giving the site a visit. Chances are you'd stay there the next 10 minutes sampling all the songs.

A Cappella Comedy. Totally fitting of their style.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy holidays.

Long holiday, more to come. Been rather busy acting busy and finding stuff to do. What do I really want to do? Mahjong. Well I'm not a big fan of the game itself, it's more of getting to sit down and chat with friends while playing that interests me.

Just want to sit down and chat the night away. 2 more months to go before I head back to an even more hectic life in a slower-paced country. How ironic.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Not as good as I would hope for, but not too far from what I expected. Well, I'll just have to review my papers if I have the chance to and see what happened. Hopefully I can crawl back up to my grade.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Idle mind

It suddenly struck me that I have not spending enough time with myself these days. I used to have some regular periods where I sit down or lie down and simply think over stuff or let my mind wander, but this habit seems to have been lost some time ago. Not sure if it's a good thing or not, but I do miss those times of silence.

Another 2 years and I would most likely be in the work force. Although I seems nice now to be able to earn my own income and support myself financially, I am starting to suspect that this is just one of the other greener-grass syndromes I have had over my life so far. Maybe we all just yearn change, until a point where even change itself becomes so regular it bores you and you just want a simple (boring) life.

I don't have much time left. I really don't, and it scares me everytime I think of the future. Another phase is coming to an end in the near-future and I hope I can prepare myself for that coming change. Of course, never forget to spend enough time to enjoy, right?

I really feel old.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home again.

It's been about 10 days since I have been back home. Nothing really changed, and I guess that's a good thing. Only thing different that I have yet to really understand is how the lives of the people back here have changed. Yes, it is expected that my friends would all now be mugging their lives away, but I have not yet have the chance to sit down and chat with them about school life.

Meanwhile, I'm finishing off my 3-week-short obligation. 1 week down and 2 to go, and it really isn't going to take long.

I still need a bloody job.