

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tar·get·ed : To aim at or for.

It seems that I have caught the attention of a few people. Wooden pole in the grasslands. And somehow, I have become a target board. Not for (not-very-)harmless arrows, but for (damn-right-)harmful stabs. And no, it is not a game amongst fellow mates. Not amongst those who 'Serve and F***-Off', but those who decide to sell their souls (and whatever was left of their brains when they made their decision.)

And everything developed while I was away for two weeks. Two weeks and I have become a targeted personnel.

"He can work, but he talks too much."
"He can talk."

So because I can talk, you condemn me. Ahh. You cannot talk? You don't want to talk? Or is it just that you cannot talk because you have nothing to say to defend yourself when you realise that all you have done so far does not even equate to 1% of what you get back in return for your services (or whatever you want to call it)?

The only thing I ever spoke of in the office was regarding my previous course and my studies. Nothing else. So don't go on saying that I went in to stab at other people. If I had to do so, it would be with a three-foot-long katana up your asshole and out through the empty skull of yours.

Sigh. I give up.

Do what you want. I will respond as I deem fit.