Break-time's back.
Pretty relieved now that the semester break has started, despite the haunting reminders of my many assignments. It's a constant nag that wouldn't cease until the deadline's up and everything has been accounted for. (Screw, no puns about accounting intended.)
It's the first Monday of the break and I did have quite a good weekend. Totally left work untouched, and sat down to catch some programmes on the tele and relax. Well, I did go through some work yesterday, but that's barely working. If I could work at this rate all year round, I'd probably be the mos blessed student on Earth - something like one of those scary creatures who party and play and still get top grades for everything.
Even then, I don't see myself being able to enjoy life while working hard at the same time. There has to be this very clear line drawn between rest and work, or I'd probably get all messed up while attempting to accomplish both at the same time. Maybe I work better under pressure (and definitely play a lot better with no stress).
In a couple more days, I would have been here for 6 full months (less the 1-month trip home in June). I'm pretty please with everything here, and I do enjoy myself while I'm here. But of course, that's not to say that I do not miss home and stuff. I guess it's just a different environment over here, and being a little more independent than before, not being able to take things for granted and stuff. Nice experience, albeit a rather expensive one.
Don't think I'll ever regret coming here for studies.