

Sunday, September 2, 2007


I was taking at look at some of my blog traffic. It seems like there are still quite alot of people searching for 'A Voyage of Songs 2007' and 'VJChoir'. Being curious, I decided to try google's blog search function with 'VJChoir' as a search criteria; it's really nice to find so many people's blogs, mostly about their past/on-going experiences in the choir, as well as with their friends. Practices, SYF, concerts, reflections, whatever. And it's really touching and heart-warming to read through all these blogs, even if I hardly ever know some these people.

I guess that's the thing that bonds us all together. No matter which batch we may be from, VJChoir is still the same old choir. Members change every year, but deep inside, there is nothing very different at all. The same words appear in every blog. The celebrations, tears, everything.

I'm wondering how Nelson feels if he were to read through everyons's blogs. I'm pretty sure he would be glad to know that he has made an impact in so many of our lives. That, I guess, is the joy that all teachers derive.

Even if most of us would almost never have a chance to sing again with the same group of people as we did while in VJChoir, I'm certain that no matter what, we'll remember everyone.

And at least, we share one common song.