"Last Supper" Superimposed.
Pretty sure everyone still remembers the whole story behind The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It has been about three years or so since the book was published and a movie was already filmed based on the same story, and most of us should have read some of all the debates and discussions on forums and blogs all over the world. Well, we all thought this whole craze has somewhat ended. Not till today when I came across an article on Yahoo.
Here's an extract of the article.
MILAN (Reuters) - A new theory that Leonardo's "Last Supper" might hide within it a depiction of Christ blessing the bread and wine has triggered so much interest that Web sites connected to the picture have crashed.
The famous fresco is already the focus of mythical speculation after author Dan Brown based his "The Da Vinci Code" book around the painting, arguing in the novel that Jesus married his follower, Mary Magdelene, and fathered a child.
Now Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist and amateur scholar, says superimposing the "Last Supper" with its mirror-image throws up another picture containing a figure who looks like a Templar knight and another holding a small baby.
I tried to visit the links they provided for the superimposed image, but the websites are down after they recieved too much traffic and decided to upgrade their servers. I figured that something like this would be easy to reproduce using Photoshop CS2, so here's the picture, original and superimposed, along with the rest of the article.

"In the superimposed version, a figure on Christ's left appears to be cradling a baby in its arms, Pesci said, but he made no suggestion this could be Christ's child.
Judas, whose imminent betrayal of Christ is the force breaking the right-hand line of the original fresco, appears in an empty space on the left in the reverse image version.
And Pesci also suggests that the superimposed version shows a goblet before Christ and illustrates when Christ blessed bread and wine at a supper with his disciples for the first Eucharist.
The original Da Vinci depicts Christ when he predicts that one among them will betray him."
For those who want to read more, here's the article.