

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Aussie Fair

Dropped by the IDP Australian Uni Fair held over the weekend at Hilton Hotel in Orchard with James. Quite crowded today.

Went off for a quick dinner at Swensens. Then to Starbucks.
"Can I please have a Java Chip Frap, Venti, with Whipped Cream, thank you."

Finally, off to Hereen for a short shopping session. Got a Tee from Mooks, as well as their membership. So yes, anyone who needs anything from Mooks or NUM, (Gosh. Can't believe I'd ever end up 'advertising' for NUM.) please feel free to get the card for me, although it's only a pathetic 10%. Hey, at least it's storewide.

Back to my book. And to sleep.