

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Broadband Prices

I remember the days where my PC used to beep and screech whenever I needed to check out who might have sent me an email. Then came SingTel with Magix, bringing alot of convenience with time saved, as well as comfort to my ears, but I still could not believe that I had to pay almost S$3 per hour. The 56k to 512k upgrade was really quite remarkable. Then came the big broadband boom. 1M to 3M to 10M, and whatever you think your pockets can afford, all within a short span of less than 10 years. Now you have SingTel's SingNet, PacNet, StarHub's MaxOnline, and I believe that there would be another one (or even two) in time to come.

I bet most of us here have taken their high-speed connections for granted like I conveniently have. While surfing around the net (again, randomly), I came across this set of data.

Broadband prices per megabit
South Korea $0.34
Sweden $0.65
Japan $0.70
Amsterdam (FttH 100/100) $1.39
France $1.68
Finland $2.85
Italy $3.45
Norway $4.14
Netherlands $4.42
Denmark $5.05
Iceland $5.13
Amsterdam (20/1 ADSL2+) $5.38
Germany $5.33
Austria $6.14
Belgium $6.68
UK $11.31
Portugal $11.80
Spain $12.79
Poland $13.33
Ireland $14.18
Luxembourg $18.97
Switzerland $22.28
China $23.18
Czech Republic $24.75
Singapore $28.63
Thailand $30.36
Greece $34.06
Sri Lanka $40.90
Philippines $43.62
Australia $45.33
Hungary $49.46
Slovakia $51.48
Pakistan $80.43
Malaysia $88.61
India $88.61
Turkey $118.83
Myanmar $261.75
Fiji $354.45
Indonesia $2,453.87

Mind you, prices quoted are in US$, not S$.

That's where corruption gets you to.

With US$2,453.87 in Singapore, I could download GBs, get sued by Odex, and still have spare cash for my boardband bill.