Premature Post-Examination Syndrome.
Boredom is very much a happy problem for most people, and boredom that manifests itself in the lives of students like us can take on rather different forms.
Boredom is the root cause, and one of the most obvious symptoms of PES, or what I know as Post-Examination Syndrome. PES develops due to the psychological and behavioural differences that occurs as a student moves from Exam-mode to Non-exam mode. The sudden change in patterns in the mind and body result in an anomaly due to the body's inability to cope.
Students who suffer from PES usually surf the net for absolutely nothing, or visit Yahoo! just to see what is on the front page, refreshing every hour or so to check for updates. They also surf random blogs, watch YouTube videos, play SuperPoke on Facebook, or simply sit and stare at the sky ceiling.
Although there seems to be hardly a cure, PES itself is not considered to be very harmful, unless a mutation occurs, giving rise to Premature-PES (PPES). PPES happens when students unknowingly shift into PES-mode when they have not reached the end of their examinations.
Symptoms of PPES include not only those mentioned above, but also the following: inability to concentrate when reading text, unexplainable cravings for the bed, high levels of thirst and/or hunger that cause sufferers to walk to the kitchen 5 times an hour, and in severe cases, they can hear objects calling them, like their computers, gaming consoles, and even the fridge.
And I forgot, they write blog posts that have no meaning whatsoever, only hoping to draw some laughter from readers.
Come on, people, laugh.