Everywhere I go in the blogosphere, I cannot help but stop and look at the images bloggers post and share. And I always wondered why I cannot seem to post enough (or even any for that matter) photos on my blog.
Till I remembered that I do not even have a camera to start with.
Many people have asked me why I do not post photos on my blog. And all I can do is to shrug, not knowing how to reply - 'not having a camera' isn't exactly a decent explanation. Afterall, I could, in fact, borrow it from my sister.
Perhaps then, it is the process of editing, hosting and linking that seems too much of a hassle for an internet-nut like Adrian to handle. For all you know, he might simply end up deleting his Adobe Photoshop while trying to crop a photo into a decent size, or uninstalling Windows while trying to rasturize a bakcground layer. Admittedly, I have tried to self-learn photoshop-ing photos and as you can see from the lack of photos, I have failed - rather terribly in fact.
Blogging without photos is indeed a tough thing to do. Simply trying to grab attention with plain text is bad enough, and holding it, let's just not think about it. Hardly anyone would survive a page worth of text in a monotonous shade of grey, with the occasional blue to show a link, on a plain black background, with boring content like 'Are blogs without photos boring?'
Oh my, that sounded terribly familiar.
But then again, all is not lost. Especially so if I have one or two of you reading up till this point. (Please raise your hands or give yourself a pat on the back for not being bored to tears after reading up till this point.) I still firmly believe that no matter how plain or simple a blog looks, with the right contect, you can still get some form of readership - it simply depends on the different group of readers you want to target.
No, I am not targeting geeks or anything, mind you. In fact, I have no target, not even an audience to start with. Just a couple of kind-hearted souls who offer to waste spend some time over here reading some of the stuff I post.
Then again, I really must thank websites like Yahoo! Video and YouTube for all the video sharing that help make blogging alot alot easier. At least I'm feeling assured that my all-text blog has some form of action now and then.
So yes, blogging without photos may be really boring for some readers who want to literally see events happening. But hey, don't be too quick to condemn all blogs without photos - some do offer good stuff. (I'm not trying to hint at anything, but if you feel that certain way, please, make me happy and let me know!)
Okay, just for the fun of it, and for those who really need it. Here you go. What you might already have in mind for my blog.

Well, at least it's something?I will get a camera okay?